PyLadies Dublin @ Demonware

Just less than half turned up to yesterday’s (April) meetup, which is ok, it’s a free-flowing group, plus it was very sunny out. I see everyone was trying to get out town during rush hour, I was stuck coming up to junction of Parnell street as everyone is trying to get down Capel Street. Slightly bit late but none for the worse, I was greeted heartily by Serena and folks from Demonware. We were brought to the cafeteria where Cheryl was there already.

A big shout out and thanks to Demonware for hosting and sponsoring the food (and there was lots and lots of food).

People were working on their own projects, Cheryl on motion detector that will be wearable, another person is working on checking out Python libraries for making games other than PyGame (Panda3D, Pyglet, Cocos2D were some that I mentioned).

Serena was looking into getting details returned in JSON format via Meetup API with Python Requests, which was pretty straight forward. Then explaining how it may use the JSON data (saved to a file) and use that info when running Flask rendering it out to a webpage using templates.

It was pretty productive evening for all, gadgets were working, things were installing, templates rendering. Not too shabby for a few hours on a sunny Tuesday evening. :-)

Notes from April’s meetup can be found via:


I’ve got venues sorted for the next two PyLadies (thanks to Serena for the June one).

There’s a special one in May where we are being hosted by The Twisted Pepper in The Loft, and will get a surprise by The Makers during event. :-)

Serena’s office will be our next venue for June, It’s on South William Street, so handy for many.


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A new year, a new start. *pulls up sleeves

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