The weather outside is frightful…

The last of my major events for 2014 wrapped up last night. I made cookies for last night’s PyLadies Dublin meetup, but I think that the crappy wet weather and traffic means lower than expected turnout.

Pic of the py-frosted cookies (and cat-shaped as well).

But it doesn’t matter, the whole point was making a space available for people to code and chat. Good thing I turned up early as the room wasn’t vacant and reception didn’t know about the booking. I got the wi-fi password off her as well. Strangely enough that the wi-fi works better when the classes were over later in the evening.

I planned to work on Coding Grace website as I had some work on it during Dublin GameCraft two weeks ago (my time flies). I am glad I took advice from Mick to note down how I set things up as he showed me how to use Heroku as my sandbox and fork the app and its settings so I can do whatever I want. The problem was that one of the ports was blocked by the college we were in, so last night I had no access to my dev copy of postgres database online… no worries, I just tweaked some list settings and I realised I had commits I haven’t pushed yet. So did all that. The rest of the evening was writing out the lesson plan for my Learn Python by making a text-based adventure game, tis hard to write. Kudos to those who have to write them! I also found that Pandoc converts Markdown to ReStructured Text quite well (and vice-versa), so that helped a lot porting from an existing file. I really hate ReST… this tool just makes it easier for me. :-)

The December hackpad is quiet but I hope the next few would be more active. I’m looking forward to a wee break during Christmas… ramping down the last two weeks didn’t seem to work so well for me. I don’t know why?!?

Maybe on my down time, I spend more of it writing here. I have been neglecting it for a bit.

In the meantime I have recently been invited to join, and great to see familiar faces. Dublin (and Ireland) community is quite small. And I love that they have a diversity channel as well. Everyone is focussed on why having a Code of Conduct is important, and so supportive to make the community as inclusive and welcome as possible. Here’s their current version of the Code of Conduct.

On that note, I would like to share with you this awesome link about the Code of Conduct and FAQ about it (thanks to [Paul Watson]( for sharing on the #diversity channel)


Now read this

Either feeling stupid or tired

This is how I felt yesterday, especially evening time. I made a complete a$$ of myself… in my mind it was a slow car crash happening and I didn’t have the power to stop it. Words were coming out my mouth and my brain blinky lights were... Continue →