Back on the board again

Just out of three EuroPython Society sessions at EuroPython via Skype as I couldn’t attend EuroPython this year (due to financial reasons).

And one of the sessions was the General Assembly, and it was a nail-biting moment to hear if my proposal to stay on as a board member got accepted, and it went through. And so did the rest of folks who put their names forward. Huzzah!

We made a big change for people to become members of EuroPython Society:

Membership is open to individuals who have attended a EuroPython conference, or are wishing to participate in the organising of a EuroPython conference.

So if you are interested, go to to apply.


Now read this

It’s so true about sayings even in different languages

I came across this phrase:- 百闻不如一见,百见不如一干 This is in Simplified Chinese 1, if you want to pronounce it, it’s bǎi wén bùrú yī jiàn, bǎi jiàn bùrú yīgān. Bear with me here, I’m getting somewhere with this… The 2nd and 5th (repeated on the... Continue →