A PyLadies Dublin meetup with a twist

Great turnout on Tuesday (20th May), our biggest yet. Arrived at The Twisted Pepper with my Kimchi Fried Rice in one hand and walked into a big hug from Serena in The Loft which turned into a swimming pool because of a leak from the skylight. It was all cool as Shane (Twisted Pepper) moved us downstairs in the Basement, which was awesome and quiet (with short intervals of music practice).

With everyone set up to work on various projects or on their own, Annie from The Makers dropped in with Stone Barrel Brewing Company (Niall and Kevin). Niall and Kevin explained how they started, how beer was made (passing a few cups of hops and oats to tickle our noses with), and the tasting of their IPA called BOOM. It was fruity and sweet, and very drinkable, and there was a consensus from around the room that it was really nice, even non-beer drinkers were converted. It was a great laugh and banter and everyone were a wee bit merry afterwards.

The wi-fi was alright in the beginning but as more and more people turned up, the wi-fi was a bit wobbly, causing problems for some who are downloading libraries, or running tutorials.

With Serena, I went through Jinja2 templates in Flask (creating new templates, rendering them, and looping through data read from a JSON file).

Big thanks again to Shane (Twisted Pepper), Annie (The Makers), Niall & Kevin (Stone Barrel Brewing Company), and everyone who came along.

The May notes can be found here: https://pyladiesdublin.hackpad.com/PyLadies-Dublin-Tuesday-May-20th-2014-mStp1k7wnEx


Now read this

May conjures so many images… all good, silly and fun

From obligatory playing of JoCo’s First of May (here’s a SFW version and it rings in the summer (not spring) sun for me each year. :-D Then it’s the cheesy May the Fourth be with you, that’s Star Wars Day. Not really a big thing for me,... Continue →